The Effect of the Morning Sun

Jan 29, 2016 12:41
Since getting cold, many people might feel that it's hard to get up in the morning.

Today, I found a "habit of exposure to the morning sun," that is recommended for such people.

Usually, there is a gap between the living cycle and the body clock.

However, by being exposed to the morning sun, the body clock is reset and the gap is able to be modified.

The ideal time to be exposed to the light is about 20-30 minutes within two hours after waking up.

When you wake up, if you go to near the windows, open the curtain, and stay there for a while, you can spend the whole day cheerfully.

Actually, it's enough as long as the illumination intensity is more than 2000 lux, but general indoor lighting is around 1000 lux (general convenience store lighting is around 2500 lux).

On the other hand, the illumination intensity is around 50,000 lux in the sunny day, around 10,000 lux in the cloudy day, and around 5,000 lux in the rainy day.

It's the most efficient to be exposed to the sunlight.








No. 1 正(ただし)'s correction
  • The Effect of the Morning Sun
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since getting cold, many people might feel that it's hard to get up in the morning.
  • Since it's been getting cold lately, many people might feel that it's hard to get up in the morning.
  • Today, I found a "habit of exposure to the morning sun," that is recommended for such people.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Usually, there is a gap between the living cycle and the body clock.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, by being exposed to the morning sun, the body clock is reset and the gap is able to be modified.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The ideal time to be exposed to the light is about 20-30 minutes within two hours after waking up.
  • The ideal time to be exposed to the light is about 20-30 minutes within two hours of after waking up.
  • When you wake up, if you go to near the windows, open the curtain, and stay there for a while, you can spend the whole day cheerfully.
  • When you wake up, if you go to near a the windows, open the curtain, and stay there for a while, you can spend the whole day cheerfully.
  • Actually, it's enough as long as the illumination intensity is more than 2000 lux, but general indoor lighting is around 1000 lux (general convenience store lighting is around 2500 lux).
  • Actually, it's enough as long as the illumination intensity is more than 2000 lux, but generally indoor lighting is around 1000 lux (general convenience store lighting is around 2500 lux).
  • On the other hand, the illumination intensity is around 50,000 lux in the sunny day, around 10,000 lux in the cloudy day, and around 5,000 lux in the rainy day.
  • On the other hand, the illumination intensity is around 50,000 lux on a in the sunny day, around 10,000 lux on a in the cloudy day, and around 5,000 lux on a in the rainy day.
  • It's the most efficient to be exposed to the sunlight.
  • It's the most efficient to be exposed to the sunlight.
Thank you very much for correcting my post! :)
実は私も朝は弱いので、これから太陽の光を浴びるよう頑張ります 笑
No. 2 Timmy's correction
  • Since getting cold, many people might feel that it's hard to get up in the morning.
  • Since it's been getting cold lately, many people might feel (or: noticed) that it's harder to get up in the morning.
  • However, by being exposed to the morning sun, the body clock is reset and the gap is able to be modified.
  • However, by being exposed to the morning sun, the body's biological clock is reset and the gap is able to be modified.
Interesting! I've heard that eating oatmeal breakfast is also important because of Vitamin D.
Thank you very much always for correcting my post! :)
I want to have a nutritious breakfast in an attempt to avoid a vitamin D deficiency.
You're welcome!^_^

>I want to have a nutritious breakfast in an attempt to avoid a vitamin D deficiency.

Me too, but ,frankly, I rarely have time to eat a proper breakfast.